Are Headaches Stopping You Doing The Things You Love?

Headaches can stop you from making the most of life.

What could be causing your headache? There are different types of headaches, that could be caused by dehydration, posture, stress, too much sitting, lying in awkward positions or using the wrong pillow. One type of headache is migraine, which affects 4.9 million Australians1, which can impact on their general health and wellbeing. Other types of headaches can arise from your neck, stress or be associated with women’s monthly cycles.

Some people think headaches are a normal part of life, I know I did before I started chiropractic care. Pain medication can mask the pain for a while, but maybe it would be worth talking to your chiropractor if you suffer constant headaches. Your chiropractor will take a full history of your pain to help identify what type of headache you have. They can then make recommendations to help manage your headaches and determine if chiropractic care could help you.

Here are some tips to help you to manage your headache pain or prevent them from reoccurring –

1)      Try to relieve your stress. Things like mindfulness and meditation can reduce the effects of stress on your body.

2)      Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated. This is especially important in Australian summers.

3)      Use good posture. Slouching in the lounge, too much desk work or holding your head too far forward (such as looking at device screens too long) can put a strain on your neck, which can cause headaches.

4)      For some people, certain foods can trigger headaches. Watch what you are eating to see if you notice any patterns between what you eat and when you get headaches.

Your Chiropractor at Clayfield Chiropractic may be able to help you manage your headaches. Chiropractors use specific spinal adjustments to help relieve headaches and can provide advice about your lifestyle that may help the headaches recurring. You can call us on 3862 2611 to book an appointment or book online at


1.            Migraine in Australia whitepaper:

How Can I Help My Neck Pain?

Headaches can stop you from making the most of life.

Did you know that Australians average 10 hours and 24 minutes using devices connected to the internet every day?1 Our necks are held in lots of different positions each day. Using mobile phones, tablets, other types of screens and even sleeping and relaxing on the lounge put our necks in awkward positions.

Up to 50% of people have neck pain at some stage of their lives.2 General practitioners average about 7 patients a week with neck pain.3

Here are some ways that you can help or prevent neck pain –

·       Good Posture – the strain on your neck muscles doubles for every 2.5 cm forward that you carry your head.

·      Good Ergonomics – Ergonomics is about having your office equipment/furniture organised to best suit your body. To help your neck, it is best to have your computer screen raised so that you are not looking down when you work on your computer. It is also helpful to raise your mobile or tablet screen up in front of you to eye level.

·       Move your neck and shoulders – Moving your neck through its full range of motion every day is a good habit to get into. Move your head forward, back, side to side, right to left. You can also roll your shoulders up and around forwards and backwards to release your neck muscles.

·      Sleeping – It is best to avoid sleeping on your stomach. Sleeping on your side or back is much better for your neck. A supportive pillow that is not too high is better.

You could consider seeing a chiropractor to help manage or relieve pain or discomfort from neck pain. Chiropractic treatment may reduce joint restrictions in the spine or other joints to reduce inflammation and improve joint function. Our chiropractors at Clayfield Chiropractic are always happy to discuss your neck pain and see if chiropractic care would be suitable for you.

 We can be contacted on 3862 2611 if you would like to make an appointment or book online at


1. Digital Australia: State of the Nation 2015–16, Ernest & Young,

2. Hogg-Johnson S, van der Velde G, Carroll LJ, et al. The Burden and Determinants of Neck Pain in the General Population: Results of the Bone and Joint Decade 2000–2010 Task Force on Neck Pain and Its Associated Disorders. Eur Spine J. 2008;17(Suppl 1):39-51. doi:10.1007/s00586-008-0624-y

3. Australian Journal of General Practice:

Back To Work Tips

Almost half of all Australians work at a desk. Covid-19 saw many of us working from home at “make-do” workstations. In our office, we saw a lot of people who had had a recurrence or new spinal pain associated with working at desks or kitchen tables that were not designed for these purposes. Now that some of us are returning to our offices in some form, let us review how to look after your spine in your office, whether this is at home still or in your employers’ office.

Having your computer set up optimally and watching your seated position can really help to improve your comfort both at the office and in your personal time. Let us look at things you can do to improve your posture whilst at your desk.


This is when you improve the design of products to suit the people using them. Things like your height, weight, field of vision etc can change how you need to have work equipment set up to maximise your spinal health. For example, if you use a laptop computer at your desk, it can affect your posture and how you use your body. Laptops often do not have the screen, keyboard, or mouse in the best position for most people. This could result in neck, low back or arm, wrist, or hand pain. If you use a separate mouse and keyboard, you can use something to elevate the screen to your eye level, which can reduce the chances of getting neck pain or eye strain. Using a mouse and separate keyboard will allow you the relieve strain on your neck and upper limb by positioning the mouse better.

Good Posture

A well-designed chair will help your posture and spinal health. It is best to sit on the chair with your feet flat on the floor or use a footrest to relieve the pressure on your lower limbs. Have your arms relaxed by your side (keep your wrist straight when using your mouse and elbows at 90-110 degrees when you are typing), hold your posture relaxed and tall.

Standing Desks

Standing desks are helpful for most people who need to work at a desk. It may reduce lower back strain. When you are standing, keep your posture upright and relaxed. Place a footrest underneath the desk to prevent your hips from tilting, and continually change each foot resting on it.

Take A Break For A Walk

Your spine’s health will be improved by trying to take mini breaks about every 30 minutes through the day. Bodies were designed to move, and your spinal health may be affected by sitting too long. Take the opportunity during your lunch break or after work to get some fresh air and move about. Walking is good for your spinal health and general wellbeing.

If you have any questions or would like more advice about working in an office, our Chiropractors at Clayfield Chiropractic are happy to advise. Please contact our office on 3862 2611 to ask about how to implement these suggestions and if they are appropriate for you.

Love Your Spine This February

February is the month we express our love to our special people. How about sharing the love with yourself, especially your spine! As they say, you cannot love others until you love yourself. A healthy spine helps you to spend quality time with your loved ones and even supports you when you give them a hug, so here are some tips to help love your spine as well.

A Romantic Walk on the Beach

Anyone who has been on a dating site will remember that walking hand in hand with a special someone is high on most people’s reasons for wanting a partner. A walk on the beach, or anywhere else, alone or with other people, is good for your health and spine too. It helps to achieve an upright posture, improves muscle strength, is easier on your joints than some other activities, improves endurance and cardiovascular fitness when done briskly. Being outdoors to exercise can also improve your mental and overall health.

The Australian Chiropractors Association has a free app you can download. You can track your walk with the Just Start Walking app, which can track distance and pace of your walk, help you set goals and has daily reminders. It even connects to Spotify so you can enjoy your favourite music while you walk!

Exercises to Love Your Spine

At Clayfield Chiropractic, our Chiropractors are always happy to help with advice or assistance on how to help develop good spinal health habits all year long, so if you have any questions, please ask!

They can give you appropriate and tailored care to help improve your spinal health and overall wellbeing.

So, grab your Valentine, Galentine, family member, friend, neighbour, or even go for a peaceful walk by yourself. Share the love for your spine and your loved one’s spines this February. Try the Just Start Walking , or Straighten Up apps from your app store or contact your Chiropractor at Clayfield Chiropractor if you have any queries about healthy spinal habits.

Ask your Chiro

While you are looking at health apps, check out another free one, the Straighten Up app, also from the Australian Chiropractors Association! It has a 3-minute exercise program to use daily to help with your health by improving spinal health and stabilising core muscles. Other ways to love your spine are to set reminders about sitting well and taking breaks plus it can track how much water you drink, which is also important to love your spine.

New Activities Guideline

For the first time in 10 years, the World Health Organisation (WHO) have reviewed guidelines for physical activity. These changes continue to recommend physical activity for maintaining good health and reducing the chances of chronic disease (such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, asthma, high blood pressure or cholesterol).

Lack of activity, tobacco use and obesity contribute to Australian deaths annually and are risk factors for disease. For the first time the WHO guidelines emphasise the risks of a sedentary lifestyle. They recommend that adults get up regularly to move around and that screen time be limited in children’s free time.

For Adults

We should be doing:

  • 150 – 300 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity; or
  • 5 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week; and/or
  • A combination of both; and
  • Strengthening activities involving all major muscle groups at least two days per week.

This includes those with chronic diseases, those living with a disability and women who are pregnant or in the postpartum period. 

For Children Aged 15-17

For this age group, an hour a day of moderate to vigorous physical activity each day is recommended.

Lots of sitting, either at work, in front of the TV or a device screen, is a risk factor for chronic disease. The revised WHO Guidelines recommend that we get up and move around regularly, as well as following the advice above. More moving and less sitting helps to maintain physical and mental health. Activity that raises your heart rate was recommended in the previous Guidelines to last more than 10 minutes to be beneficial. The new Guidelines say that any activity is better than none, so even activity raising your heart rate for less than 10 minutes will help improve your health.

In Australia, about 15% of adults get enough exercise. In children, only about 20% are active for at least one hour a day. Let’s help transform our communities into active ones. It would be great for people of all ages to engage in a more active lifestyle to be healthier and reduce the chances of developing chronic disease. Please talk to your chiropractor at Clayfield Chiropractic if you would like advice on including more activity in your or your family’s life.

Put A Spring in Your Step!

Spring has sprung! The storms are here, and the temperature is warming up. Look at those Jacarandas! Amazing. I love springtime in Brisbane.

If you’re making the most of this weather, before it gets too hot and the Holiday Season is upon us, here are a few tips to help look after your spine whilst you’re in the garden or spring cleaning the house.

In the spring garden

Such a wonderful time to be in the garden! The results are quickly seen with the fast growth and flowers blooming. Be aware of the heavy objects that need moving. Use your legs to do the lifting. Bend your knees when space allows and keep the object you are lifting close to your body. Face directly onto the object – twisting and lifting at the same time can be one of the riskiest activities for low back injuries. Take your time when you get up. Remember to bend your knees as you lower the object to the ground too.

The fashion for raised garden beds and vertical gardens is a real blessing for your back, they look amazing and are ideal for small spaces. They help to keep your spine more upright whilst you tend your garden. Use tools to reduce bending and be aware of good technique when you use them. If you have a larger garden and have the space, a garden bench or stool can bring you closer to the ground to reduce the amount of stooping and hunching.

Sprucing up the house

Spring is a great time to catch up on the household chores you have put off over the colder months. Housework is a great way to burn off some calories and get your bikini body in better shape. Doing your floor mopping, sweeping, and vacuuming in a squatting position with your spine straight can reduce the strain on your spine.

When you wash dishes or do the ironing, try to put one foot on a low step such as the bottom shelf of the kitchen cupboard (with the door open, of course!). This will help your low back and your neck.

The tips above for lifting also apply in the house. Remember to take breaks when you need to and keep hydrated. Housework and gardening can work up a thirst in this warmer weather.


The Australian Chiropractors Association has a free app that can help stabilise core muscles, your spine’s health, and general wellbeing. It just takes 3 minutes, is called the Straighten Up app and can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play. You can also set reminders in it to help you take breaks, stay hydrated and improve your posture.

If you have any other questions regarding tips for the gardening or housework, your chiropractor at Clayfield Chiropractic would be happy to talk to you about. Shaun, Laura or Cheyne can offer appropriate care for your pain condition and offer lifestyle advice and tips to improve your general wellbeing. You can book online at or call Chris or Julie if you would like to make an appointment.

Oh, For A Good Night’s Sleep!

Did you know that about 1/3 of your life, you spend sleeping?

Wouldn’t it be great if how you slept helped, rather than hindered your spine’s health?

It is important that the way you sleep helps your body to get the best rest to help it to heal and regenerate. Awkward sleeping positions can affect your sleep quality and health in general. It can cause back and neck pain which can affect your posture. This may result in tiredness, muscle cramps and other health concerns.

Four out of ten people are not getting enough sleep, but a good sleeping position can help you get a better night’s sleep, which will help you feel more refreshed and ready to face the day ahead. Here are some things to consider helping you sleep better:

Your Mattress  

Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

COVID-19. Also known as CORONAVIRUS


Also known as CORONAVIRUS

With the recent media hype and general chaos caused by the recent outbreak of Coronavirus, we thought we would look into it a little deeper and keep you guys updated.

What is it?

COVID-19 is an infectious disease recently discovered in China, in December 2019. It is known to cause respiratory infections, such as pneumonia. This is partly why the vast majority of serious consequences from the disease have occurred in the vulnerable population, eg the elderly.

So, how is it spread?

This is an evolving answer, but it is known to spread from person to person through small droplets released from an infected person coughing, exhaling (breathing out) or sneezing. These droplets are then either inhaled (breathed in), or transferred from an infected surface and then you touch your eyes, nose or mouth. It is important to note simply touching an infected surface is not believed to transmit the disease, but rather only when you then touch your face (eyes, nose or mouth).

The incubation period, or the time taken for you to begin to notice symptoms, is between 1-14 days, but generally it’s known to take around 5 days. These symptoms include, although not limited to, fever, tiredness, cough, runny nose, nasal congestion and a sore throat. It’s also very important to note and remember that, about 80% of people who contract this disease recover completely in a few days, without needing any treatment or medical intervention.

Interventions may be needed when, as mentioned above, a patient develops breathing difficulties (such as pneumonia), which is why the elderly and those who already have medical conditions, such as high blood pressure, or heart conditions, are the most vulnerable.

What If I think I’ve already got Coronavirus?

If you develop a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, we suggest you seek immediate medical attention and quarantine yourself from friends, family and the general public, eg don’t go shopping or to work!


How can I prevent it?

The World Health Organisation (WHO) suggest that unless you are a health worker caring for those with symptoms, or if you already display some symptoms, that you do not need to wear face masks.

WHO recommends that you:

  • Regularly and thoroughly wash your hands, especially after touching foreign surfaces
  • Stand at least 1m away from anyone coughing or sneezing
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
  • Cover your nose and mouth (preferably with your bent elbow) when you cough or sneeze
  • Stay home and away from others if you feel unwell
  • If you develop fever, cough and breathing difficulties, seek immediate medical advice
  • Remember coronavirus is a virus – Antibiotics don’t work for viruses

Remember coronavirus is a virus – Antibiotics don’t work for viruses


Here’s some Myth-Busters from WHO:

One further thing – Coronavirus doesn’t cause gut reactions, so there is no need to go crazy in the toilet paper aisle!

empty shelves at a grocery store, sign shows the shelves are for toilet rolls. @Brisbane, Australia

What can I do between my treatments?

As Chiropractor’s, we are often asked

What is the best exercise to do outside of the treating room between treatments?


Ultimately, movement of our spine and limbs is key. Decrease our time spent sitting (often in front of screens such as TV, our phones or computers) and increase our time spent moving! Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics in 2019 shows that up to 90% of us will suffer with some form of low back pain in our lifetime, with more than 16% of us having back problems within the past 2 years. Almost half of us describe our low back pain as moderately interfering with our day to day activities.

Sitting, with insufficient physical movement or activity, is a known risk factor for low back pain.

So what can we do to help ourselves reduce the risk of having low back pain effect us in our daily activities?

Most often, the answer is simple – move. Head outside, without our screens, and walk or swim.

Swimming is a great way to move, to fill our lungs with air and to keep our joints all moving. One of the many benefits of swimming is the lack of gravity effecting our spine and our joints.

Walking is another simple way to get moving and become less sedentary. It also helps with your lung and heart health, as well as your spine and joint health. It helps us move more freely; to see and breathe the great outdoors; and to stand in our natural upright posture.

Be sure when you are outside in the sun, which we should be doing daily, that you wear appropriate protective clothing and sunscreen.

  • Walk more.
  • Swim more.
  • Move more.
  • Have your regular chiropractic treatments.
  • Enjoy the benefits for life!